01 January 2011

New Year's Resolution

Since the New Year's resolution I had last year was such a success I thought that this year I would also have a New Year's resolution. This year I have decided to try and draw every single day (be it sketch, inking, colouring etc). Hence I am hoping this will have 2 good results.
  1. My manga pages should progress quicker
  2. My art skills should improve
After watching a TV programme which said the reason Beethoven was so good at playing music (even at the age of 6) was because by the time he was 6 he had already practised play for thousand of hours. The more you practise the better you get. Hence because of this, this is why my New Year's resolution is to draw a bit each day.

So with that I am off to do a bit of drawing before I have to go to work.

Hope you all have a Happy New Year and a great 2011.

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